26 sie 2011

Od czego by tu zacząć …?

Mama po operacji wraca dość szybko do „zdrowia” …
Tylko, że po konsultacji onkologicznej jest tak: guz usunięty, bez nacieków i przerzutów, niby oki, ale czemu nie wycięli do sprawdzenia też węzłów chłonnych?? Wtedy wiadomo czy są zaatakowane i czy podać chemię czy nie. Guz złośliwy (takie są ponoć na ogół w jelitach wykrywane!) – zaawansowanie: stopień 2 (w skali 1-3! Czyli średni). Brat-Zryty-Beret nie wytrzymał i skonsultował z onkologami. Dowiedział się (i uświadomił mnie boleśnie), że teraz wyjścia są dwa – kolejna operacja (w celu wycięcia tych cholernych węzłów) i to jak najszybciej, albo chemia … tak na wszelki wypadek. Tylko, że taka chemia to nalot dywanowy, a u mamy krew słaba … Mama oczywiście o niczym nie wie. Załamałaby się!

Szymek za chwilę kończy 18 miesięcy! Półtora roku!!
Byliśmy na szczepieniu i przy okazji mierzenie/ważenie. Doktorka skomentowała, że wagowo jest między 25 a 50 centylem , ale o wzroście nie wspomniała ani słowa. Stwierdziła tylko, że „wysoki to On nie będzie … ale czego się spodziewać skoro mama niska, dziadkowie teeż” …
Wróciliśmy do domu, sprawdziłam sama siatkę i szlak mnie trafił (nie napiszę mocniej tylko dla tego, że jestem na bluzgowym odwyku!).
Noszsz k …!! Ogrzyk jest ledwie na 3 centylu!! A ona mi słowem o tym nie pisnęła! Już pomijam rozbieżność między wagą a wzrostem, ale sam wzrost! Albo raczej wzrastanie/niedobór wzrostu!!
Nie niepokoi to jej, jako LEKARZA (podobno??!!)? Nie powinna choć wspomnieć, że może przydałaby się (kiedyś tam) konsultacja z endokrynologiem?! Nie zamierzam zgadzać się, na to, że skoro ja jestem kurdupel i moi rodzice też, że o BZB nie wspomnę, to mój syn jest skazany na to samo! Nie odpuszczę bez sprawdzenia przyczyny! A tych może być wiele! Obok zwykłego dziedziczenia, powodem niskiego wzrostu/wzrastania mogą być problemy z nerkami, tarczycą i tepe. Nas z bratem sprawdzono zbyt późno. A może, w zamierzchłej przeszłości, lekarze nie tracili czasu na takie pierdy? Ale ja nie odpuszczę! Będę drążyć!
Tak wiem, można powiedzieć, że ważne, żeby Ogrzyk był zdrowy i dobrze się rozwijał, a wzrost to … drugorzędny, mały problem. Ale ja tak nie powiem, bo sama byłam (i jestem!) „krótka”! Ktoś, kto tego nie doświadczył, nie spróbował na własnej skórze nie wie, jak to jest … Wszędzie i zawsze kurdupel, maluch, karzełek, knypek, krasnal … i tak dalej. Oraz inne „bardzo zabawne” określenia. I ciągle to zdziwienie, złośliwości, pytania: „no, to gdzie byłaś jak ludzie rośli?” … Podobno dziewczyny i tak nie mają najgorzej. Podobno! No, chyba, że są malutkimi i filigranowymi słodziakami, a nie niewysokimi, ale za to okrągłymi i cycatymi Ogrzycami! Nie radzę próbować! I tak bardzo chciałabym tego oszczędzić Ogrzykowi! Nie dość, że okularnik (tak! Już teraz inne dzieci zwracają na to uwagę!), to jeszcze … ogrzy niziołek!
Kto nie przeżył – niech uwierzy: m a s a k r a!

A do tego wszystkiego …
A co! ...
... Niech boli, niech szarpie, niech rwie!
Po raz drugi zostałam głośno i oficjalnie nazwana „babcią”! I tak sobie pomyślałam, że to będzie kolejny punkt utrudniający życie mojemu Ogrzykowi – matka, co to wygląda jak babcia!
Będzie się mnie kiedyś wstydził!
I tak sobie pomyślałam – nosisz ... !!!
I moja chandro-deprecha ma się coraz lepiej!

20 komentarzy:

Anonimowy pisze...

No "gupia" nie masz się czym martwić tylko tym, że nazwali Cie babcią . Ogrzykowi to napewno nie będzie przeszkadzać. A "ludziowi" , który tak się pomylił zwracaj uwagę że nie babcia tylko mama, o jak im się wtedy głupio robi o jak nie wiedzą co powiedzieć, cudnie. Wiem co mówię, mój niemąż jak urodził się Kuba miał 5o lat a jak Tośka 56 . My nie zwracamy na to że czasami ktoś mówi Dziadek (no może czasami niemąż ma problem)i Kuba zupełnie nie ma z tym problemu (a chodzi do szkoły, już do 4 klasy). Głowa do góry. Życze Ci żęby problemy ze zdrowiem zakończyły się pełnym sukcesem (i z ogrzykiem i z Mamą).
Zdrowie najważniejsze .
Tosinkowa mama

Anonimowy pisze...

No przeczytałam i widze że sama jestem "gupia". Oczywiście jak ktoś powie dziadek a nie tata to natychmiast prostuje , natomiast zupełnie się tym nie przejmujemy.
Miało tam być :..nie zwracamy uwagi
Tosinkowa mama

ania mama t. pisze...

kurka wodna fjona ! , ty jestes najlepsza i najpiekniejsza mama dla ogrzyka - zakladam sie o stowe (:-) ) , ze najpozniej za 2 lata ogrzyk sie zapyta czy sie z nim ozenisz :.-))) !!!

co do mamy - konsultujcie - co 1000 glow to nie dwie - wierze , ze wszystko bedzie ok!
co do ogrzykowego wzrostu - ja bylam zawsze za wysoka i tez bylo bee ;-).czyli najlepiej byc sredniaczkiem - ale niestety niewielu jest to dane...

jak cie to tak niepokoi , to pojdz do endo - i bedziesz spokojniejsza- to twoj ogrzyk wiec jesli to uwazasz za sluszne - to jest to sluszne :-).
moze ogrzyk tak sie teraz w glowce rozwija , ze nie ma czasu rosnac?
cmok w policzek i glowa do gory !!!

Kobieta z drugiej strony lustra pisze...

Ech, lekarze wiecznie nie mają na nic czasu a dla pacjenta to już w ogóle :/

A głupimi ludźmi się nie przejmuj bo nie warto. Za to warto sprawdzić co z tym wzrostem żeby potem sobie nie pluć w brodę, że za późno.

I - jestem tego pewna! Ogrzyk sobie poradzi!

Fjona Ogr pisze...

Tosinkowa mamo witaj :-)
dzięki za wpis. Rady posłucham i będę wyprowadzać z błędu pomylonych .. ;-)
i pozdrawiam

Aniu mamo T.
nie mogę się doczekać, kiedy mnie Ogrzyk o TO zapyta ;-)))
a mamę i Ogrzyka skonsultujemy! o tak!
ściskam mocno!

Kobieto hej!
wzrost sprawdzimy, ludźmi UCZĘ SIĘ nie przejmować, a co do Ogrzyka - mam wielką nadzieję, że sobie poradzi!
buziakuję :-)

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Why Omega Watches Make Amazing Heirlooms

Omega watches are about for more than 120 years together with the organization initially generating watches in 1885, yes, that is certainly a long, prolonged ago! You figure that any small business which has been around that extended will have to make a really awesome product or they'd have gone from small business a long time ago. These are located in Biel/Bienne Switzerland and its one of several more prestigious brand names in watches these days.

The agency continues to be able to alter with the occasions and performs difficult to meet the requirements of its clients. They've a rigorous set of steps and procedures that every newly made product have got to undergo to ensure that it meets the company's rigid set of superior quality controls.

The organization boasts that it was an Omega watch that was the very first about the moon with all the US Astronaut Buzz Aldrin. It has been associated with all the well known James Bond film franchise considering 1995. That yr, Pierce Brosnan took in excess of the function of James Bond, along with the producers wished to update the image within the fictional "super-spy" to a extra distinctly sophisticated "Euro" seem.

Now, with this particular background specifics you most definitely want to get an Omega watch for your self. What considerably better timepiece compared to the 1 worn by James Bond! Each and every guy desires to lead an thrilling lifestyle just like him.

If, you might be luckily enough that somebody left you and older model of an Omega pocket watch, it is important to take into consideration on your own truly fortunate. If it has been sitting close to in someone's drawer collecting dust, usually do not try to start it with out having it initial checked by an expert observe restore particular person. Your heirloom view really should be checked out considering friction will gradually dress in down the components of its mechanisms.

It should really be oiled every 3 many years and qualified cleaned just about every ten years. It's possible to fairly significantly assume that it's been sitting all over to get a extended time within a drawer and which you ought to initial take it to a professional. If replacement components are essential, make sure to only have these things replaced which can be certainly important. You intend to ensure that you simply hold the monetary worth of it intact and a conservative strategy is greatest on the subject of substitute elements.

Oh very well, you were not left an previous Omega view by any individual with your relatives, so you are going to go out and acquire 1 for by yourself. You can get a great number of totally different view types to choose from that you simply will almost certainly be overwhelmed in the course of your search. It is possible to start off by narrowing your search down a bit-do you would like a pocket watch or maybe a wristwatch? What special benefits would you like it to get? Is it significant to you that it be self-winding, battery operated, water proof, inform you the date, possess a cease view? By figuring out exactly what you want, you can get started looking at the various versions.

Determine which Omega watch you'd like and after that go out and invest in it. You can are aware that you have got bought a observe that it truly is absolutely a fine piece of jewellery. And even while nobody left you an antique heirloom, may very well your watch handed down for any handful of generations will sooner or later be an antique that is definitely treasurer by a person.

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A Study Around the Omega Seamaster Collection

Omega is a extremely popular watch-making brand. It's considered as the initial timepiece to get on the moon. It's also been the choice of NASA. The brand is even an official timekeeper of Olympic Video games. Numerous its observe collections are available within the market and among the a number of collections readily available, Omega Seamaster comes about for being probably the most favored a single. Here in this post we will talk about in regards to the several versions of Seamaster collection, the general attributes on the models plus their exclusive benefits that make them unique.

Omegas Seamaster designs

The collection is during the business for about 65 years. It is easy to obtain a number of designs on this assortment. The models comprise Planet Ocean Major Dimension, Planet Ocean, Planet Ocean Chrono, Aqua Terra Annual Calendar, Aqua Terra Chronometer, and Ploprof 1200 M. So, gents could get quite a few models to pick from in relation to Omega Seamaster assortment.

Widespread features from the versions

Number of stuff commonplace about these models are they all have a chronometer, screw-in crown as well as date. Chronometer is in essence a label given to the timepiece that has obtained a certification through the official body and has passed via the accuracy exams. And screw-in crown is actually a self-locking crown, and that is screwed from the case tube. Staying very waterproof, its utilised mainly as divers view.

Special benefits of every of your Omega watches in Seamaster collection

You can get even some distinctive functions of each within the Omega Seamaster models. The Planet Ocean Large Size, Planet Ocean along with the Planet Ocean Chrono watches have unidirectional bezel. This implies the bezel is only able to flip in a single path. This perform is very useful for that divers who're unable to rotate it accidentally during the incorrect way. Rotating it during the wring way leads to the divers to miscalculate their diving times. So, with all the bezel, it becomes easy to calculate the elapsed time. These timepieces also characteristic a helium escape valve. Here the decompression engineering makes it possible for helium to break out from your inner a part of timepieces when it happens to be worn for any licensed use in stress chambers.

The Aqua Terra Yearly Calendar and Aqua Terra Chronometer Omega Seamaster watches feature a transparent situation back by which it gets simple to see the motion, that is inside the watch. The former model even has an annual calendar, which recognizes dates with months. But this calendar is to be corrected by hand after in just about every year on March one.

Ploprof 1200 M model of Omegas Seamaster assortment function a bi-directional bezel. This bezel will be turned in the two anti-clockwise and clockwise route. The bezels are often utilized to time events, measure the elapsed instances and go through the second and third time zones.

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Omega automatique Seamaster 300 m 2869.52.91

Discount code montresen87 to acquire from www.montresen.com will conserve tons.Associated with quick for lots of that may be undoubtedly the price tag. Panerai watches may well be too expensive as well as the bulk mustn't most likely for being capable to afford a new standard Panerai observe. In order that they could wish to go for Low priced watches rather. A advantage to choosing a lower priced Replique IWC is typically that within the finish you will have dough left for other important things that you just may very well be aspire to purchase. Basically guantee that you'll be capable to uncover the things that you want through your Discount observe. Low cost code montresen87 to invest in from www.montresen.com can assist a wonderful deal.The serious explanation for this layout was due to lack of night and day difficulties which are created into area Replique Chopard travel. Omega was fast to contain the design alterations after which the watch, that is certainly basically worn by Carpenter at a area mission, later grew to become referred to as a Omega Cosmonaute Navitimer. Price reduction code montresen87 to purchase Replique Hublot from www.montresen.com will save lots.The genuine Replique Longines Omega watches of distinctive style demonstrate their really worth because of the superb large excellent quality, carry out and elegance. They're to begin with price so that you may recognize great of luxury touch. The whopping charges alter from 5000 to 10,000. A lot of people identify it challenging Replique Jaeger LeCoultre to buy them. Thankfully, you'll discover different systems for getting Omega watches with far less bucks. Which may perhaps be to obtain replique Omega watches produced readily available from on line outlets. They are just the identical with the serious timepieces. Low cost code montresen87 to get from www.montresen.com will conserve lots.The rationale behind this style was as a consequence of Replique Franck Muller absence of evening and day conditions which are inherent in area travel. Omega was fast that include the structure modifications plus the view, this was absolutely worn by Carpenter employing a room mission, later turned normally called the Omega Cosmonaute Navitimer. Low cost code montresen87 to order from www.montresen.com might help greatly.The Race Is On. Omega and Omega watches alike are unquestionably magnificent and well-known. Needless to say these two admired timepiece makers face this kind of deep competitors from essentially each and every other on top of that for the loyal consumers. Discount code montresen87 to obtain from www.montresen.com could save a whole whole lot.The Race Is On. Omega and Omega watches alike are tremendously luxurious and well-known. It is basically comprehensible the 2 admired timepiece suppliers encounter such deep rivals from each other as well as the loyal people. Price reduction code montresen87 to store for from www.montresen.com can assist to conserve an entire good deal.The concerns of one's respective lifestyle should be answered so are very important factors in picking out the correct Omega view, to suit your needs. These watches are the great investment for you, together with a direct reflection of this distinctive personality.

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In which To acquire Omega Watches From the internet In Canada

Omega watches is really a Swiss luxury view maker which is based in Bienne, Switzerland. This subsidiary (Omega SA) draws its parentage from Swatch Group, which has excelled in view manufacturing. It was founded in 1848 by Louis Brandt and is a single on the most effectively acknowledged and recognized brand names in the planet market immediately. Omega has invariably been driven by its pioneering spirits which involve Initially Lunar landing and furthermore 5 further lunar landings taking the complete tally to 6, official timekeeper for British and American troops in Globe War II, official timekeeper for Olympic Games etc. The first divers view Omega Watches Canada is the worlds only licensed marine chronograph view and no other Observe brand holds significantly more number of data than Omega in accuracy & precision.
There is another giant within the watch industry bearing heritage of Swiss technology in watch making Rolex Watches. Rolex produces a single with the best Luxury timepieces inside the planet with incredible Swiss technology with superlative perfection and stupefying elegance. The innovative Swiss movement technology of Rolex Watches Canada continues to be amongst many Firsts in watch industry like very first wristwatch with an automatically changing date on the dial, to begin with wristwatch with an automatically changing day and date on the dial, very first wristwatch case waterproof to 100 m (330 ft), 1st wristwatch to show two time zones at once & to start with watchmaker to earn chronometer certification for a wristwatch.
If you are in Canada or any of its major city and wants to get Omega Watches Canada, then there are multiple options for you to find genuine and branded Omega and Rolex watches within the country. Buying using the net is 1 in the easiest and best options nowadays, as a single can have a detailed look at the product and its features and also can order any product of his choice from the comprehensive catalogues of branded Canada Watches On the internet. If you have access to internet then just search for on the net websites which are dealing with Omega watches and Rolex watches in Canada.
Buying branded and authentic watches like Omega, Breitling, Swatch, Citizen and Rolex Watches Canada from an on the internet company in Canada and any other part from the world is not difficult. 1 can find wide collection of assorted Canada Watches On the internet and compare them at once and place an order via the web for all kind of watches in Toronto at very cheap price. These watches are popular in all planet.

Anonimowy pisze...

[url=http://omegadevillekakaku.blogspot.jp/]オメガ デビル レディース[/url]

Omega Watches - Do Refinished Dials Reduce the Well worth within the Economic dedication

A dial is, arguably, just about the most very important visual characteristic in the view. Irrespective with the excellence during the motion or its timekeeping qualities, if your dial is terribly discoloured or flaking it tends to create the view look sub-standard, exhausted or worn out and undoubtedly diminishes its worth.

Often Collectors are place off by flaking and terribly discoloured dials on or else fairly original Omega Constellations. Numerous shy absent from this sort of watches because of the common assumption that moisture might be the main trigger of dial disintegration. The concept goes, that badly discoloured dials present an excellent outward clue of a possibly rusty movement and so are most beneficial avoided.

There exists a single other achievable lead to of dial discolouration that behoves the canny purchaser to look an excellent deal considerably more closely at watches with discoloured dials.

Sun injury is definitely an supplemental lead to of paint failure and sunshine can mimic h2o harm for your dial paint inside a significant amount of scenarios.

A wonderful movement with no drinking water harm can lay beneath, and this kind of paint failure, even while not good quality for collectors of genuine watches, is called a fantastic candidate for restoration. Even so, even seasoned purchasers must be cautious when obtaining watches with badly deteriorated dials - you might want to establish extremely cautiously irrespective of whether the see dial is broken from sunlight or dampness.

So, the very first matter that wants to be completed when chancing on an Omega having a terribly discoloured dial is look beneath the bonnet having a jewellers loup. A totally clean, rust cost-free movement is readily recognized, and should the seals around the problem have held up effectively, there will possible be no tell-tale rust spotting around the non-copperised elements together with the motion and no corrosion from your case, specially within the caseback seam.

In the event the movement has stood up nicely for your factors and historical past or use, you've got received an alternative: Get and restore (or have restored) or continue as part of your journey to discover a classic Omega using an authentic dial. Must you choose the restoration route, you could have the see sent to Omega in Bienne, wait close to for rather an although, and ultimately get the see once again that has a new factory dial.